Victini.Net Forum

Date: 13/10/2018


Subject: kliar i harbotten efter dusch

I am regular reader, how are you everybody? This paragraph posted at this website is truly good.
kliar i harbotten efter dusch

Date: 13/10/2018

By: NikkaDit

Subject: Hello! How can I contact Admin?

Hello! I need to contact Administration of this wonderful site.
Thank you.

Date: 12/10/2018

By: DebraCem

Subject: Dgkvbeecx

Я Вам очень благодарен за информацию. Мне это очень пригодилось.

Date: 08/10/2018

By: irinhen

Subject: Анатолий Осьмушин г. Кунгур опрокинул жену и детей

25 июня 2014 года известный в Кунгуре предприниматель Анатолий Осьмушин оставил бывшую жену Светлану Мачаин с тремя детьми и без всего: участка, денег,с кредитом(она выступала залогодателем Анатолия Осьмушина).
Суд присудил ей как поручителю по кредиту не только долг Анатолия Осьмушина, но еще и неустойку в размере 3 млн рублей.
Все имущество Светланы забрали как залоговое.
Анатолий Осьмушин г. Кунгур остался безнаканным.

Date: 08/10/2018

By: XEvilBestlip


Yep, f*kin sp*am. Yes, yes, yes, AGAIN. And - yes, IT F*KIN WORKS BECAUSE YOU READ IT! :)
Because XEvil 4.0 WAS RELEASED! It's bypass ANY captcha included ReCaptcha-2 and ReCaptcha-3.
Neeed more info (just to...maybe kill this Evil? ;))

Just Google or YouTube for it.
You'll be impressed.

Peace! :)

Date: 23/09/2018

By: MorrisJox

Subject: Health. Спасение Жизни. Благодарность.

Женщины СНГ. Вы можете получить Гражданство Израиля. Брак с израильтянином. Можно Формальный. Гарантия 100%. Дорого. Обращаться на почту

Date: 23/09/2018

By: MorrisJox

Subject: Health. Спасение Жизни. Благодарность.

Женщины СНГ. Вы можете получить Гражданство Израиля. Брак с израильтянином. Можно Формальный. Гарантия 100%. Дорого. Обращаться на почту

Date: 17/09/2018

By: Rickykeymn

Subject: Омега-ТО

Омега - Техническая охрана
8 (49651) 9-00-09
8 (910) 000-99-09
Ногинск, ул. Комсомольская, 35

Date: 12/09/2018

By: Миша

Subject: Перезвоните,

Позвоните мне, пожалуйста, по номеру 8(951)689-49-50

Date: 10/09/2018

By: anaThalf

Subject: ООО "СИТИ-СПА" +79266772255 89266772255 КИДАЛЫ!!

Отзывы: Телефон: 89266772255 КИДАЛЫ И МОШЕННИКИ
Руководитель Парамонов Сергей Александрович КИДАЛА

Телефон руководителя: +79266772255 - КИДАЛА И МОШЕННИК
Дата регистрации 01.07.2016
ОГРН 1167746620337
ИНН 7722368861

Адрес (место нахождения) 111020, г. Москва, пер. Юрьевский, д. 11

Директор Сергей Александрович Парамонов МОШЕННИК, обещает многое. Берет деньги, пропадает. Затем говорит, что не вернет и назначает встречу. Приезжает с чеченцами и заставляет отказаться от долга. Не имейте с ним дел.
+79266772255 89266772255 МОШЕННИКИ И КИДАЛЫ

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Notes to follow

Victini.Net will disponibilizate a forum just for you.

Please, do not reveal your real name becouse it could be dangerous. We hope you do enjoy ou site and it forum.

Here are some rules to follow:

1. Do not write in all capitals.

5 minute ban -- Using all capitals as a method of communication is seen as as shouting and can be very rude. Please be considerate of all the members and staff members and don't shout at them.

2. No swearing.

5 minute ban -- Swear words, like shouting, can be seen as rude and offensive, so please don't use them.

3. No inappropriate topics.

5+ minute ban -- Please remember #SPP is meant to be enjoyable for all ages. If you question whether a topic is appropriate, don't bring it up or ask a staff member first.

4. Do not repeat yourself.

5 minute ban -- It can take time for members to respond to something said in the chat, so please give us time to respond.

5. Please don't flood or spam.

5+ minute ban -- Flooding is where you post a lot in a short amount of time. Spamming is posting nonsense. This also includes character spamming, such as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

6. Do not flame or troll members.

5 minute ban -- Because #SPP is for all ages, we don't tolerate any name calling, racism or baiting, so please don't come here just to cause trouble. This includes flaming/trolling in private messages too.

7. Don't advertise your site.

5 minute ban -- We know you want people to join your chat/website, but this isn't the place to seek out new members.

8. Don't ask for access.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- Do not ask to become a staff member, that is not how we add to our team. Asking to become one will just disqualify you in the future.

9. Do not argue with the OPs about the rules.

5 minute ban -- The rules for #SPP are non negotiable. If you feel you have been unfairly banned, you may always private message us or post in the relevant topic. However, being hostile about it will just extend your ban.

10. Do not ask for illegal content.

5 minute ban -- Please do not ask for copyrighted material, whether it's ROMs or full anime episodes.

11. Do not discuss or ask for help with any hacking device.

5 minute ban -- This includes Action Replay, M3 and R4 cards. does not condone the use of illegal devices, and this does carry over to the chatrooms.

12. Don't roleplay or abuse the /me command.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- We understand roleplaying can be fun, but please keep roleplaying out of #SPP as this chatroom is not a roleplaying chat.

13. Do not ask for a personal relationship.

5 minute ban -- There are plenty of dating chatrooms on the internet, #SPP is not one of them.

14. No impersonation.

5+ minute ban -- Do not pretend to be another member or use a name similar to any other member. This includes regular members, #SPP staff members and network staff members.

15. Do not ban evade.

Untimed ban -- If you find yourself having been banned and you are unclear how long the ban is, feel free to drop the staff members a private message. If you evade your ban, this will result in an untimed ban, so don't do it.

16. Do not use excessive scripts.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- The occasional "Now listening to..." script is fine, but please don't be excessive about it.

17. Don't ask for personal details.

5 minute ban -- Being friendly is great! but don't ask for personal details (where someone lives, their gender/age, who they're dating, etc). We don't want our members to be uncomfortable.

18. Do not use abuse text modifiers.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- Using italics once in a while is fine, but please do not make that your preferred way of typing.

19. Do not attention seek.

5 minute ban -- #SPP is a chatroom for everyone to enjoy, so please don't come here with the intention of fishing for attention. If you have a deadly medical condition, please see a doctor, not #SPP!

20. Do not complain about a #SPP-Wifi ban.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- Please do not come to complain about a ban you received in #SPP-Wifi. If you have any questions, private message an OP.

21. Don't ask for battles, trades or rescues from any video game.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- Pokemon battles and trades go in #SPP-Wifi, all others belong in another outside of related chatrooms.

22. No mini-opping.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- We have staff members for a reason, please let us do our jobs!

23. Please speak English.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- English is the preferred speaking language of #SPP. If you would like to speak another language you will have to do it in another chatroom.

24. No cloning.

Warning, then 5 minute ban -- Please do not connect to the chatroom with multiple nicknames. If you have a sibling who also connects, please let us know ahead of time.

25. Do not evade scripts.

5+ minute ban -- The scripts are there for a reason, if we see you bypassing the triggers we will ban you for a length of time we see fit.

26. Keep your nicknames appropriate.

5+ minute ban -- This is self explanatory. If you question your nickname, don't use it.

27. Do not trick members into triggering scripts.

Untimed ban -- If we catch you doing this, you will get into trouble, so please don't do it.

28. No false reports.

5+ minute ban -- Do not fake evidence or logs to get another member punished. If we catch you doing this, you will be removed.